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DT Poster Puzzle Contest Challenge! FINISHED!

September 22, 2017

*UPDATE! It’s over! All of the pieces have been found! Thanks to everyone
for participating. Winners will be announced on the next Sunday Service.

The first official poster puzzle contest on DT is here. Help find all eight pieces to qualify to be in a drawing for a chance to win two free tickets to the New York show on November 4th! What’s more New York than the Turtles? You only need to find one and of the eight to qualify for the drawing. Search through out the entire site to catch them all. Any character may be on any page. Email your finds to First to do so per character is the winner for that character. Good luck!

*Also, if you win and can’t get to the show, we have other prizes instead of the tickets.!
DT has gift cards and a cast sighed autographed poster for the winners!


As the characters are discovered, check back here to see the poster fill up.


1. Martin/Shredder) Found by Eduardo Heuramo
2. Goodwin/Kraang Body) Found by John M.
3. Girts/Kraang Brain) Found by Kevin King
4. Danielle/April) Found by Cristian Castanon
5. Ray/Mikey) Found by Aida Alvarez
6. Sammy/Donny) Found by  Gerardo Galicia
7. Will/Raph) Found by Yakov Suleymanov and Shanice Trujillo
8. Korey/Leo) Found by Ricochet Rick


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