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FREE SHOW!!! The High Score – 12-2-17

December 2, 2017
The High Score

FREE SHOW!!! “Come with me, and you’ll see, a world truly touched by this bullshit” Today on this very special The High Score we delve into the BS that Activision tried to pull with “Destiny 2” and their response to the fans response, then we see another Kickstarter kinda just poof when over 100k goes idle of over a year, and then we find out when Epic messes with the wrong mom. Finally, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, one of the greatest cinematic/animated achievements of our decade, we get a little toasty and watch “Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”. Don’t forget to send your emails with your phone # or skypeid to so we can answer your question live. “Y’all strap in for this, because boy is this movie ridiculous.”


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