‘Sesame Street’ Relocates to HBO – The Daily Double Talk
By Tommy McGrew
Finally it’s about time we finally get to see that uncut uncensored version of Sesame Street we’ve always wanted. shits about to get real old Sesame Street I’m talking blood guts violence titties ass sex all of it is coming to Sesame Street. And no this is not me pushing for gentrification, this is me telling you that Sesame Street has a new home and that home is HBO…yeah Game of Thrones, True Detective HBO. It turns out in order to get a leg up on the new digital streaming market, nonprofit group Sesame workshop, the company behind Sesame Street, had no choice but to make a deal with one of the major streaming services Netflix, Hulu, amazon, or HBO. The main reason for that is the days of kids watching Sesame Street solely on television are pretty much over. Now kids can watch them on mobile devices like tablets, smart phones etc. unfortunately the good people at PBS aren’t equipped for of that just yet so the deal kind of had to happen. Now of course not everyone is thrilled that the most iconic children’s show in the history of TV will be on probably the most explicit network on TV. I mean the irony is beautiful the same network that shows real sex will be showing Sesame Street. Many are worried that the parents who specifically avoid HBO because of its explicitness, won’t get HBO just because of Sesame Street. Parents simply don’t want their kids accidentally watching something they shouldn’t be watching and rightfully so. But that would be unfair because HBO used to be known for a lot of it’s kids programming. Now granted they didn’t give kids six and seven hour blocks of shows but they did have quality children’s television. I know because I used to watch them, shows like, Fraggle Rock Happily Ever After, adventures of tin tin, my favorite Babar (that elephants my dude). So everyone calm down this is good for all parties involved. Parents just be parents monitor what your kids are watching and they’ll be fine. The deal between Sesame workshop and HBO stipulates that the shows will play on PBS nine months after they premiere on HBO.
[Source: LATimes]