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GAME OF THRONES SEASON 8 TRAILER | AND MORE – The Weekly Roast and Toast LIVE – 8:30 pm CST

March 5, 2019
The Weekly Roast & Toast

GAME OF THRONES SEASON 8 TRAILER | AND MORE – The Weekly Roast and Toast LIVE – 8:30 pm CST

What is up, toasties?! Coleman is back and we are going to be talking about the new Game of Thrones trailer, as well as the absolute ridiculousness of Sonic the Hedgehog and his new movie that is coming out!

On top of this we are also going to be talking about the recently departed as well as talking about Korey’s recent trip! Hang out and tell us what you think of Sonic the Hedgehog’s new movie in the comment section below!You can also do this during the live chat! You can also send us your comments, compliments and concerns in an email if you send it right over to!

You can be part of the discussion tonight by going into the Amino app and searching Double Toasted! While you’re there make sure to follow Double Toasted and join our live chat by clicking here! You can even take one of our quizzes on Amino by clicking here! Not only can you take our quizzes but you can share your opinions via our polls

If you’re still wanting more of our content you can also check out our YouTube page by clicking here. Also, do not forget about our free audio reviews including our free version of tonight’s show posted on Soundcloud!


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