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Will’s Unpopular Opinion – Max Out-Landis – 3-17-16


Who is Max Landis and why do we care? For the past 12-14 months, Max Landis, (Daddy’s boy director and Rainbow Bright enthusiast) has been making the rounds on multiple internet shows for the purpose of self promotion; the likes of which people haven’t seen in mainstream media since Barbara Streisand announced she was retiring (Which, if you’re curious, was intermittently between 1994-2006. That’s some farewell tour.) But jumping to now, Max has been a guest on everything in the podcast circuit from ‘Red Letter Media’, to ‘Kinda Funny with Greg Miller’, to ‘Schmoes Know’, (ahem* I think we’re missing one…) and the list goes on. Every time relaying his opinion on whatever is trending in pop culture movie news at the time, and relying on his one time hit ‘Chronicle’ to fallback on as his golden ticket into Willy Wanka’s Hollywood elite. Oh, and his dad directed ‘The Three Amigos”.

There’s no doubt by growing up in the industry, Landis has a wealth of knowledge, and understanding of storytelling. He speaks like Tarantino and Scorsese used to while doing interview segments for Entertainment Tonight in the midmax landis rainbow 90’s. But then where are the movies Max? Where are they? Is going on multiple shows so frequently, good PR? It’s an interesting marketing strategy; whether it ends up working longterm or not, – no one can know just yet. Even though the Red-bull drinking shoe-filler seems to be gaining online support, he’s not being recognized for actually making decent films, but rather just by talking about what he initially wanted to do with them, and defending them whenever possible. (Sorry Max. I don’t need you to tell me why I should like ‘American Ultra’. It doesn’t work like that.) His insider information, although informative, comes off like he’s complaining to his friends about how his parents grounded him for driving over the family cat. You’re not a victim Max. You’re a dude who borrowed his dad’s Camaro and doesn’t think he should pay the speeding ticket he incurred for going over 55 on PCH, all after backing over Muffy in the driveway.

“The system’s fucked man, and I’m trying to expose it for what it is!!”
-Prattled the petulant prince.

So how did Max Landis become the golden child of the internet, running his mouth on all subjects geek and in between, while being seen as a demagogue to comic and film fans alike? Wasn’t this Kevin Smith’s gig first? Which brings up the main question: Is Max more enamored with writing and directing movies or simply talking about them?max_landis I had a friend years ago who went to Tisch (The NYU School of the Arts), and he told me that within
the first year the drop out rate was immense, because that’s the year you realize if you are a filmmaker or a film critic. Perhaps Max isn’t sure what he wants just yet. Right now he just seems to come off like a whining internet troll. –> Eventually I’m sure he’ll end up with an Oscar, but for now maybe he should start a regular podcast where he can espouse his appreciation of film while citing his dad’s ovua when convenient. His dad, (John Landis) who’s coattails he’s ineptly steering into something gaudy.

It’s no secret that when you are in the upper stratosphere, people want a piece of you. Regardless of who you are, the masses want to share the air you breathe, andmax_landis_RLM suddenly everyone’s your best friend. Although, this statement isn’t one hundred percent true all of the time. When Max guest appeared on RLM, Landis seemed to awkwardly overreact and exude a childlike giddiness as he constantly fell over RLM’s couch (and hosts) repeatedly, (like a subdued Tom Cruise with a halfway healthy dose of Ritalin). He then goads Rich Evans into giving a great performance later in the show in an almost schoolyard like display of peer-pressure. Max’s interactions with the whole crew comes off overtly obsequious through the entire show; as though all he wants is to be accepted by the cool kids. In fact, he spends the entire episode acting borderline overwhelmed to be sitting next to his “all time most ‘favoritests’ podcasters in the whole wide world!!” The look of disdain on Mike Stokclasa’s face as he’s forced to say on air, if only for the sake of verisimilitude, what great friends him and Max are, is palpable. (Sorry Mike. We knew with your Episode 7 review, you thought it was trash. We all found your lack of commentary disturbing.)

However, with everything said, Landis has built a niche online persona for himself, that in retrospect, possibly speaks more to the industry than the man playing Cinderella within it. Maybe this article isn’t actually about Max Landis. Maybe it’s about the climate of today’s online entertainment; it’s public figures and the direction of this new frontier. Max is doing what (seemingly) works for him, as well as every other internet chat loitering, webcasting, youtube sensation. Is being outlandish the new “talent”? The internet and it’s “stars” are still new at this. Internet grandstanding is just today’s tap dancing. There’s only so much you can do with no budget, so instead people are reacting to movies and trailers with budgets. This is a brave new world, and this forum is relatively new. (Just reaching over a decade with Youtube.)

What does this mean for future talent everywhere? It’s the digital wild west, and promoting yourself online is the new gold rush. Maybe it’s inhabitants and personalities alike are still trying to collectively find a voice. No one has been properly groomed, and the very few that have, have been doing it longer. There is a fairly thin vail on peering into this industry, that as diaphanous as it may be, it is still a vail nonetheless. It’s difficult to say with one hundred percent certainty where this part of the popcorn biz is going, and regardless of what is happening in this new(ish) medium, there seems to a consistent paucity to the lack of online etiquette. Meaning, it will soon have to be decided in this current medium what is entertainment and what is redundant complaining. So please stop telling me how great your version of ‘Ghostbusters 3’ woulda been Max. You sound like Sean Young crying about not getting to play Catwoman.

-Will Valle




March 17, 2016
Double Toasted

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