Dolph Lundgren Starring in ‘Kindergarden Cop 2’ – The Daily Double Talk
By Tommy McGrew
I gotta admit my initial reaction when I first heard this news was April fools is about six months away. I think it’s safe to say that, today we’re so use to getting bombarded with pointless sequels, reboots and remakes that whenever one is announced, no matter how odd, we’re now conditioned to just accept it. But I’m a millennial damnit and we don’t just except things that could potentially destroy our precious childhood memories. Kindergarten Cop is one of the first movies I remember seeing in a theater so I must admit it holds a special place in my heart. When I found out they were making a sequel starring Dolph Lundgren it rubbed me the wrong way…Initially. Then I realized as much as I love Kindergarten Cop it is a so-so movie. So I’m not shocked at the fact that it’s sequel is getting a straight to DVD release. Now at this point you’re probably thinking damn you could’ve done this shit better to get a theatrical release?” And the honest answer is probably not. KC is something that appeals to a limited few us, mainly 20-somethings, and that’s most from nostalgia. There was only one way for kindergarten cop to work and that is if by some chance Disney wanted to get hands on the property and go The Pacifier route. Even then it’s no guarantee that the film would be successful. These types of films died out with the 90s to be honest, sad but true and I think the perfect place for it would be straight to DVD or Netflix then obscurity along with Behind Enemy Lines 4 or Jarhead 2 where I’m sure it deserves to be. Let’s just hope we can leave other 90’s kids movies buried and forgotten (no need for a Cop in a Half remake).
[Source: Empire]