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My Thoughts On The Fate Of Glenn From ‘The Walking Dead’


I’m usually not one for episode recaps or spoiler heavy discussions and articles regarding TV shows. I am especially big on this when it regards shows that are still going on with there respective season, but after the shit the show runners from ‘The Walking Dead’ pulled, I have to break my own rule. First off let me put the obligatory disclaimer WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD.

The latest episode of ‘The Walking Dead’ finally answered the question fan and casual watcher of the show has had for the past four weeks, which was, is Glenn alive? For weeks people debated, with sides adamant that it was no way Glenn could have ever survived a literal horde of zombies on top of him chomping away. Some said that if Glenn did survive it was courtesy of some super elaborate escape plan. Because surely this show wasn’t gonna pull some bullshit where Glenn simply rolled underneath a near-by dumpster and just waited for the massive group of undead walkers to get bored and wander off, right? Well…that’s actually precisely what the writers of TWD came up with, saved by a dumpster and zombie ADD. Fans weren’t exactly thrilled with having to wait 4 weeks to for the single lamest explanation I’ve ever seen a show give. This whole thing reminded me of ‘True Detective’ season 2 (yikes, right?) well in that show they pulled something similar during the second episode where a main character is shot in the chest point blank by a fucking shotgun, only to have it revealed that gun was filled with harmless buckshots and our main character was perfectly fine…for a while anyway. But my point is, that whole plot device was lame and unnecessary, no one really bought it. The same can be said about ‘Game of Thrones’ and their whole “is Jon Snow really dead?” thing. After the mild Glenn backlash HBO quickly put out a promo poster for the upcoming scene of the show where we see none of other than Jon Snow, basically telling us “I’m alive.” The reason show runner Scott Gimple gave for leading us on this useless 4 week journey was simple:

When people leave the walls, they don’t have cell phones. They aren’t rocking 80s beepers. You don’t know what happens. You have no idea. When they leave that could be the last time you ever see them, and I think it was important to do a story this year about uncertainty and that the audience would share that uncertainty that the characters had like in Episode 5. Maggie didn’t know what happened to Glenn, and I wanted the audience to be exactly where she was, to feel the exact same way.

Understandable, but the fact that Maggie didn’t see what we saw makes his excuse just that, an excuse, a cop out. If it weren’t for the casting of Jeffery Dean Morgan as Negan (one of my all-time favorite comic book villains) then I would most definitely be off ‘The Walking Dead’ bandwagon for good, but I have to see what’s done with that storyline first.

[Source: CinemaBlend]

November 23, 2015
Tommy McGrew

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