PEZ Candy Becoming Feature Film – The Daily Double Talk

Is this really where we are now people? A PEZ movie…a fucking PEZ movie. That’s right people PEZ or as I like to call it the poor man’s Smarties, is getting it’s own film. In a day and age where everything from board games (Battleship) to toys (LEGO movie) are being optioned for films, it’s no surprise that a bland, chalky, aspirin like candy would get it’s chance in the spot light too. Envision Media Arts has signed a deal with the candy company to develop an animated feature film. Screenwriter Cameron Fay is set to pen the script and Lee Nelson and David Buelow will be producing the project.
My only question is how in the world is this gonna work? I mean the thing that makes PEZ so special isn’t even the candies themselves but rather the despensor they come out of. You remember PEZ dispensors right? Those little plastic things that looked like your favorite iconic character’s head on a pike. The same toy that, in order to get candy, made you open up the severed neck of your hero and feed from it. Yeah that’s gonna make a great childrens film. Ah, I kid, I kid. Hell at this point they could come out with a Skittles movie, a Starburst movie, heck why not go all DC with it and make a goddamn Snickers vs. Twix movie. The truth is none of it would surprise me in the least. My only hope is it’s closer to a LEGO movie than a Battleship, call me optimistic but I feel like these things gotta get better after a while. Even though it seems foolish to us to make a PEZ movie there might be a filmmaker over at Envision Media Arts who knows exactly what to do with this project, only time will tell, all I know is I really want some PEZ now.