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Vin Diesel Making New ‘Riddick’ Film and T.V. Series


If you thought we were done with Vin Diesel’s “Riddick” series think again because we’re going to be getting more of it than we want. Diesel sent out a tweet ecstatically giving the news that Riddick not only is getting a new movie but also a TV series. Diesel wrote:

“Last night our company had a party to launch our TV division,” Diesel writes. “MERC CITY is a show that will follow the Mercs and Bounty Hunters of the Riddick Universe. Next Month, DT begins writing the next Chapter in the Chronicles of Riddick… FURIA.”

So it looks like we have ‘Merc City’ and ‘Furia’ to look forward to. This seems like 2002 all over again when Diesel could virtually  make anything he pleased back then. Since the massive success of the ‘The Fast And The Furious’ franschise Vin Diesel has crawled his way back from being an actor that was once an A lister turned B-lister turned A-lister again. Studios, mainly Universal, seem to happy to give him money to make HIS types of movies even though few of them ever end up doing gangbusters at the box office. Movies like ‘Knockaround Guys’, A Man Apart’, ‘Babylon A.D.’ and most recently ‘The Last Witch Hunter’, we’re at best moderate hits barely making their small budgets back. The reason he has so much pull is because he’s an actor everyone wants a piece of…when he’s hot at least, as I mentioned before when business cooled it was virtually frozen. Diesel when popular is a very in demand actor, as you’ve seen, Marvel has called him twice for two separate but major projects. I’ve only cared for two Riddick properties and those are the original ‘Pitch Black’ and the XBOX video game ‘Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay’ which was one of the only good movie to game adaptations out there. We’ll see how good ‘Furia’ and ‘Merc City’ are when they come out, my educated guess though, ‘Furia’ will be something between ‘Chronicles of Riddick’ and 2013’s ‘Riddick’. Whereas ‘Merc City will be some ‘ole SyFy shit, but like I said only time will tell.

[Source: ComingSoon.Net]

November 23, 2015
Tommy McGrew

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